BTXT Gotcha4Gaza

The BTXT Gotcha for Gaza is a non-profit initative whose aim is to fundraise money for Palestinians. Fan writers and artists fulfill prompts submitted by donors in exchange for donations to those in Gaza.*This is not affilitated with Hybe or any of the BTXT members.Timeline:
Creator Signups: Starting 1/3/25 (Indefinite)
Prompt Donations: 1/12/25 - 1/26/25
Prompts will not have a head deadline but we will be doing check-ins!
Any questions? Find us on Twitter/X or Tumblr at @btxtaction!

Creator Info

Signups are open indefinitely until all prompts are completed!There is no hard deadline for prompts but we will be checking in on creators!Guidelines for work:
Fic writers - Minimum of 1k words
Fan artists - Clean sketch
Editors - Minimum of 15 sec (no loop)
Feel free to go above the requirements!


Q: What are requests limited to?A: As of right now, no NSFW or Dead Dove (we don't have a 18+ mod but let us know on our Discord server if you are interested)!Q: What is expected of creators?A: Fic writers - Minimum of 1k words
Fan artists - Clean sketch
Editors - Minimum of 15 sec (no loop)
Feel free to go above the requirements!Q: How will creators receive prompts?A: We will have a spreadsheet where creators can comment their Discord tags and we will randomly select a creator to fulfill the prompt!Q: How will donators receive prompts?A: Creators will tag donators on their social media post; if the donator/creator chooses to remain anonymous finished works will be posted to the official BTXT account.Ask any other questions on our Twitter + Tumblr (@btxtaction) or our discord server (dms are open)!